
  • Regarding The chorus in general
  • I grew to love Barbershop harmony as a kid while listening to my dad's barbershop chorus and quartets. I attended many shows and traveled to many chorus/quartet competitions and conventions, and experienced the thrill of ringing chords over many years. When I was old enough, I joined Sweet Adelines and have now been part of this awesome sisterhood for 38 years. I can't imagine my life without Sweet Adelines -- it has been such an enriching experience in so many ways!
    - Mary Lou Mesarchik

    I started singing at age 4, and actively participated in vocal music throughout my childhood.
    My high school music teacher introduced me to the Barbershop form of a capella singing during my Sophomore year, and I was hooked!

    I wondered how to continue my passion for singing after high school, and learned about Sweet Adelines during a quartet workshop my Senior year.
    The ongoing music education opportunities are amazing! My love of harmony, and personal vocal development continue to grow.

    Singing with the Twin Cities Show Chorus is about so much more than the music!
    I have a second family here, and an even larger extended family of Sweet Adelines throughout the world.

    We have fun and laugh; we sing and learn; and we care about each other as individuals, as well as a chorus. I came for the music; I stay for the relationships.
    - Karen Bush

    "After watching the talented men singers, the Commodores, perform, I realized how exciting Barbershop was. I discovered that women sing Barbershop too and the was a whole program of skilled women singers performing at such a high level and having fun.. After passing an audition I happily qualified to be a member of Twin Cities Show Chorus and have greatly enjoyed singing and learning more about music with our friendly group. It is now part of my DNA.
    - Lorraine Bloomquist

    Years ago I saw an ad in our local paper inviting women singers to visit a Sweet Adeline (women's barbershop) chorus called Twin Cities Chorus (since changed to Twin Cities Show Chorus). I knew very little about the Sweet Adelines International organization, but something compelled me to check it out! I did, and was hooked! The people were very welcoming, the music and rehearsal was fun, and the director was a riot!

    And now, 36 years later, I can still say the same things about the chorus, but have to add that it has become a family, and my ‘sisters in song' have been there to support me whenever I've needed them! We've also had a lot of fantastic experiences along the way that I'll never forget!
    Thank you, Twin Cities Show Chorus for being such a great group of singing friends that I'm proud to know and love!
    - Merrilee Spaeth

    I joined TCSC because it had what I needed in a singing group. A performing chorus that is fun to perform with and refine the barbershop craft. Our sound envelopes you and repitroire is fun varied. I have been with the chorus for 20 years and enjoyed every minute.
    - KIm Arndt

    I first heard about Sweet Adelines about 3 years ago. After being invited to watch a Holiday performance, I was hooked! I began going to rehearsals as a guest to see if I'd fit in. Everyone was so welcoming and it was so much fun learning to harmonize barbershop style.
    I ended up becoming a member and have enjoyed learning the music, choreography and about the organization itself.
    I encourage all women who enjoy singing, building new friendships, and look forward to making some of life's best memories to check it out.
    - Jan Renn


Copyright © 2025 Twin Cities Show Chorus